Friday, October 14, 2011

Today's Coffee: Harvest Dark Roast

   Today is October 14th. 
I love October 14th very much. There are a couple reasons why. I love all the 14s because we were married on a 14. Today marks 3 years and 4 months. I also love it because it just seems to always have the perfect weather. Also, it is only one day away from Thomas' birthday! He's going to be 25! Quarter of a century old tomorrow! We will be celebrating with a great big breakfast (Blueberry Sizzle French Toast / Bacon / Juice / Coffee), a trip to a local farm to pick out a pumpkin and then a date - just the two of us!!! I love going on dates with my sweetie, and now that they are few and far between I can get pretty giddy about them. 
Last weekend we had Faith here since she was on her Fall Break. We had so much fun hanging out with her. While she was here we went to Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. They have a train exhibit up right now. There are 7 different G Scale trains and over 1,000 feet of tracks! They also built buildings out of acorns, twigs and other goodies to be models of famous Tennessee places - basically the trains chugged along tracks taking you through the history of Tennessee. It was very cool. 

They also had many gardens to walk through... we went through the Japanese garden and the Herb garden. In the Japanese garden there was lots of bamboo and also a zen garden was built - only to look at from a viewing pavilion - and it rocks were raked and there were hills built (it kinda looked like the Shire) - it was really pretty. The Herb garden was great too. We got to smell all crazy kinds of herbs. 


We toured the mansion and took some more pictures. Overall, it was really cool. We tried to take Faith to the Pancake Pantry - - - but there was a line out the door and down the block. So, we went to I-Hop instead. It was pretty good, I guess. 

Wilson is still recovering from the croup. Ugh. And he has also started the for-real process of teething. He's not very happy at night-time anymore. He wakes up constantly just like moaning/crying. It's so sad. Thomas has also lost his voice and all 3 of us are dealing with cold-like symptoms. We just can't seem to beat this illness thing. Blah. 
Random news: had dinner at a friend's house last night and she made Sweet Potato Curry. Uhm... AMAZING! I cannot wait to try it myself. 

And, here you go, pictures of Wilson:
Family at Cheekwood
Super cute outfit
This guy LOVES bath time!
Another family shot at Cheekwood
Chewing on his tag blanket
Reaching for camera cord
And, a happy birthday lolcat just for Thomas!
In Christ's Love,

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