Thursday, October 6, 2011

Today's Coffee: Colombian Espresso

We have been battling sicknesses here in the Russell House. It's strange to us because both Thomas and I feel that we never got sick while up in New Haven, but after making the move down south we are always sniffling, coughing or sneezing. And it's no different (sadly) for Wilson. That cold that I was talking about in the last post was really just a building up to what he has now: croup. I don't know if you have ever had it or heard the cough of someone that does, but it will break your heart to hear it in a little guy. Think 'barking seal' and you'll start to get a feel for what it sounds like. Thankfully our doctor was able to see him this morning and we have started the steroids already. We hope to see improvement by Sunday or else we need to check back in. 

My boys not feeling too good.

So, while we work all of this sickness out we are trying to find other things to take our minds off of it. And we have discovered that where we live, there are many many critters. The big spider out the front window was one. We have a bunny that we see most nights in the back yard and now we have one of those yellow writing spiders on the side of our house. Being the gross people we are, we took video of it eating a grasshopper about twice its size... but don't worry, we won't post that here. Also, when we were waiting on our laundry room pipes to get fixed, those super nasty camelback crickets (?) started living in there. These things are NASTY. I can't stand them, even thinking about them gives me chills. So, anyways, worst nightmare ever came true recently. One hitched a ride on the laundry basket into our house. ::shiver::
Thomas killed it and all is well, but I'm not lying when I say that Thomas had to search all the rooms with a flashlight before I went in them. 

Daddy practicing piano and Wilson just chillin'

We are super excited because Faith is coming to visit us tomorrow and stay for a long weekend! I'm so giddy to see her! I've missed all of our families so much recently and it will be nice to have someone to talk to while I'm home with Wilson (not that Wilson isn't fun to hang out with, he is... he's just not talking to me in words I understand yet). 

Thomas' birthday is coming up on the 15th and he is going to be 25. Wow. I've already gotten his gifts (a whole 12 days early!) and cannot wait to use a gift card to a local pizzeria to celebrate his birthday! 
Thomas and I are so glad to be at Covenant Pres. We went to a new member's dinner on Sunday night and it was great to talk to pastors and new members who are joining the coming weeks. Of course, we miss all our friends at Second, WOPC and Zion but we enjoy making new friends. The Christmas Concert is going to be great! We are singing some great choral pieces and to be honest, the choir sounds great. :)

Filling this sanctuary with praise to the King will be amazing!

I had the opportunity to play at the Widow's lunch on Monday. Thomas and I were both going to play but he ended up with the Belmont job and was unable to join me. That was ok because it gave me a good reason to work the E Major Partita back up. I was really nervous to play but the Lord calmed me and helped me play well. It was really nice to practice everyday again and pray that I would play and perform to His glory alone. Something I think that I will definitely continue doing. 
Wilson still isn't crawling and isn't cutting teeth yet... which only has us worried because if the amount of drool increases... uhm, I don't think the Russell Household has enough bibs. ;)
He's sitting up so well and spends much time on the floor just playing with toys. We encourage him to get on his tummy and possibly think about getting his knees up underneath him, but he flips right back over and smiles at us. So sneaky. 

We keep thinking we will see teeth soon!

I feel like I've seen this face before... on me maybe?

Sweetest. Baby. Ever.

That's it for now. Hope to hear from ya'll (I did it, I said that word... when in Rome - right?)

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I hope you guys are feeling better!! Baby boy look so much like you, Julie. He is so stinkin' cute.

    stephanie robnett
