Thursday, August 19, 2010

Today's Coffee: I finally ate some cake...

Psalm 100:5
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

The Lord has truly been good to Thomas and I. We went in for another ultrasound today - and everything is healthy! The baby's heart rate is 'perfect' (as the doctor put it) and we are actually 12 weeks and 5 days (not 12 weeks and 1 day as we all thought). We are blessed with our ability to go to the Yale Health Center and we were given 5 pictures of our precious baby. The picture was so clear and it truly made us think of life as a miracle! We hope you can enjoy these pictures as much as we do right now! Please continue praying that things will continue well.

My favorite picture is the top one
with baby looking like he is sucking his thumb!!! So cute!!

And no - we don't know yet if we are having a boy or a girl - soon enough!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Today's Coffee: Still haven't had any...

Well, now there is all sorts of fun things going on in our lives... I need to be better about blogging so everyone that is 900 miles away can know what's happening. This is the last week of the music summer camp. The Lord has been so gracious to give me this job but it has sure worn me out. I'm so tired all the time now. And I sleep gobs at night - even though it's not entirely restful sleep. I still have trouble eating. The nausea is still pretty severe some days but I am holding out that we are nearing the end of that. I am currently 12 weeks pregnant and we go to the doctor's tomorrow for another ultrasound. I'm sure all the moms out there know how paranoid expectant moms can be about these sorts of things - and I am no different. I am truly learning how to rely on Christ because truth be told - I worry. A lot. I have to keep reminding myself of our memory verse for the week:
Psalm 73.25-26 "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart my portion forever."
I have to keep reminding myself that God is in control. So, I am very excited and nervous about tomorrow. Mainly excited... but you understand.

I should also note that I love our crock pot. We have never had space in our past 2 apartments to even open it up out of the box - but we did 2 weeks ago. Amazing! I'm surprised we made it this long without it. I have tons of recipes I would like to try especially for Thanksgiving time... we'll see if my tummy is up for it.

Thomas is taking my in a few days for a one night trip to Mystic, CT. He's such an awesome husband - the Lord has blessed me so much! We are going to go to the huge aquarium there. I love aquariums - especially the jelly fish. Thomas also is having his 30-minute recital moved to a different date. They wanted it on Feb. 18th - but we had to explain to them about the timing with the baby and such... probably not the best date for a recital. ;)
Thomas has been currently teaching at the Westminster Orthodox Presbyterian Church VBS - he's doing the music! He's having a blast and I'm sad that I can't be teaching with him. He even remembers the hand signals for the Wise Man Built His House Upon a Rock from when he learned it.

Well, I need to change over the laundry. Please be praying for the doctor's visit tomorrow. I am merely only a weak redeemed sinner and goodness knows I can't control any of this. Please pray that mom and baby are healthy (and that I've gained some weight since I lost over 10 lbs. in the first 6 weeks).

In Christ,
The Russells