Thursday, August 19, 2010

Today's Coffee: I finally ate some cake...

Psalm 100:5
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

The Lord has truly been good to Thomas and I. We went in for another ultrasound today - and everything is healthy! The baby's heart rate is 'perfect' (as the doctor put it) and we are actually 12 weeks and 5 days (not 12 weeks and 1 day as we all thought). We are blessed with our ability to go to the Yale Health Center and we were given 5 pictures of our precious baby. The picture was so clear and it truly made us think of life as a miracle! We hope you can enjoy these pictures as much as we do right now! Please continue praying that things will continue well.

My favorite picture is the top one
with baby looking like he is sucking his thumb!!! So cute!!

And no - we don't know yet if we are having a boy or a girl - soon enough!


  1. Hey!! Just found your sweet blog, Jules!! :)

    Reading it makes me miss you and wish we lived closer. Heaven will be so much fun. Just so you know-- age-by-ultrasound IS at its most accurate in the first trimester, but it's still not very accurate. So if you think you know when you got pregnant, stick with that date in your head and don't let anyone bully you into inducing if you go over their version of your due date. (not to mention that you can get pregnant on a day when you didn't do anything-- egg meets sperm can happen up to 5 days later than your last...encounter. :) Take Eowyn, for instance. TMI, I know. First babies usually come "late," with 8 days being the average (again, Eowyn is case in point) and it's FINE for them to come 2 FULL WEEKS (yes 14 days) "late." I say this now just in case you are a "typical" first-time mom and watch your due date go by, RESIST the urge to get impatient and be induced!! It is very rarely good for you or the baby. If they bake a bit longer it's usually for a very good reason. I really think part of trusting God is being patient instead of forcing a doctor's timetable and being induced... so those 5 days may matter in the end.

  2. I'll probably post something about this on my blog because it's such a passion for me... but here are some links, just so you are armed if/when the time comes! :)
