Monday, September 13, 2010

Today's Caffeine: Dr. Pepper

Much has occurred since the last posting. Thomas is back in school starting his second year in the Masters Program at Yale and I have started back at my public school in New Haven teaching strings. After attending church last night one verse seemed to stick out to me

"Be of good courage, and let us be courageous for our people, and for the cities of our God, and may the LORD do what seems good to him." 2 Samuel 10:12

Lately, Thomas and I have been doing a lot of relying on God for answers. We have been learning about trust instead of stressing each moment out to the max. I believe that this is particularly hard for us since we are so far away from our families. A lot of what this verse is talking about is just doing our Christian duty - and what that means in a day to day sense, well, I'm learning about that too. About trust - now that we have a little one on the way in late February or early March we are really learning that life really won't be about just 'us' anymore. No more just doing whatever we want. There will be a new life to take care of and love and cherish. There are days when I get scared and think "my goodness, I'm too young!" and there are other days when I simply cannot wait. The Lord has been good to us by teaching us in and through our marriage and relationships with others how our life is truly going to have to revolve around Christ for a family to work.

In our career news: my students from the Morse Summer Academy will be playing before a New Haven Symphony Orchestra concert on Thursday night! :) Also, Thomas has a recital this Saturday at his church job that is to help prepare him for the real thing at Yale on October 6th. Thomas is enjoying his classes thus far and is learning some pretty crazy stuff. The singing system for his 20th century analysis class has them assigning each half step a number. It makes sense - but hard to change from solfege to the number system. I'm excited about school. I have really good students this year (58!!!!) and they are eager and ready to learn.

Tomorrow will be 16 weeks and I am so excited to start feeling the baby and that stuff. I'm just going to be so giddy, I know it!

That's about it for right now! Rehearsal tonight with the Morse students and then back at it again tomorrow!

In Christ,
The Russells