Sunday, July 31, 2011

Today's Coffee: Tall, Dark and Handsome Roast

"Your way O God is holy. What god is great like our God? You are the God who works wonders, you have made known your might among the peoples." Psalm 77:13-14

This has been our memory verse recently. These are truths that Thomas and I try to dwell on and ponder as we live our lives up here. There have been times that we have not trusted or had the faith that we should have had and this verse in particular is a great reminder of WHO our God actually is. While many believe that we might serve a God who is only seemingly angry and vengeful I remind myself that our God is HOLY. He is just and true and sovereign. He uses situations that seem awful to bring others to Him. Yes, we live in a broken world  - stained because of the sin  - but there is hope and salvation. Why? Because our God is great - like none other - offering redemption. He works wonders - saving people - and making His might known by not answering to man but by being holy and just and loving. These are the truths that I hold on to as He has given us a new home here on earth that is 1000 miles away from where we are now and still 500 miles away from our families. So, we trust in the Lord for all we need. 

We also are very blessed - I mean really, not much that we should complain about. And of course - Wilson! - is just so adorable.

Wilson has started sitting up. Even though this picture looks all cattywhompus - that's Wilson sitting up out of his bouncer trying to get to something else on the bed. :)

Here he is sitting up on the bed (if only for a moment) by himself!
He is standing up on the kitchen counter here and I'm only holding his hands. He's a strong boy for only 5 months old! But that face! Just look at that face! What a sweetie pie!

Just adorable!

And random: these are some headbands that I have made for our dear friend Miriam who turns 1 today! I've started crafting more and more and since these were made from old t-shirts it only cost me $1 (for cheap headbands from dollar store) and a little bit of hot glue for the flowers. This is something I've been enjoying a lot lately. I'm hoping this week to really put my sewing machine to the test as I make this really cute shirt with ribbon sleeves. I'll put pics up (depending on how it goes). 

So, here we all are - 20 days until we begin the move to Nashville. It will be so nice to be a little closer to family and I cannot wait to begin that chapter of our lives together! These 'cross-country' moves bring Thomas and I so much closer together - although I will admit I'm not looking forward to having AT LEAST 16.5 hours in a car with baby Wilson - as a 6 month old. He's a great traveler though - already been on 8 planes and traveled thousands of miles as Thomas and I interviewed for jobs in TN and SC. But the long car rides... sigh. 

Til next time! In Christ,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie,
    Wilson's so cute and is getting so big!
    Have fun in Nashville, I'm going to miss you.
    Till next time.
