Sunday, August 7, 2011

Today's Coffee: Tall, Dark and Handsome Roast through a French Press

Today is Sunday. It's crazy because it's our second to last Sunday in New Haven. It was Thomas' last Sunday playing at Zion Lutheran. It's hard saying goodbye to people that you have come to know and love - and I feel like that's all I've been doing the past week. And more goodbyes to come. It's hard. And while ending this chapter is difficult I enjoy looking to the future and thinking about where God is taking us. Like, maybe I'll audition for the Nashville Symphony or some community orchestra. I hope to start a string quartet and gig around. We are hoping to have large studios of private students as well. But until we move we will cherish the time we have up here with our friends. 

Wilson is growing up so fast too! He's getting so big - he still hasn't rolled from back to tummy but his standing skills are really amazing and he now wants to grab anything that might possibly be something he could eat. He's enjoying his sweet potatoes a lot more too. One of my violin students KC got to spend some time with Wilson at the pool. 

Just precious!

Again, what a cutie!

He's also doing a great job lifting his head up while on the floor:
Love that face!

And of course, the faces he makes - I've got maybe 5 of these pictures with all different facial expressions. I'll put them on facebook!

We tried to get him to sit up on the rocking chair... not so much.

I've been doing some crafting lately. All sorts of cool things but this shirt is the most recent. I also made it with blue seersucker.... but it didn't turn out quite as well. I'll have to take in the back some. But, for a beginner it really wasn't that bad. 
Maybe the next one will come out better. 

We only have 12 days left in New Haven and we haven't gotten near the amount of packing done that we would have liked. I'm teaching every day from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and last week Thomas helped teach at Westminster Orthodox Presbyterian Church's Vacation Bible School each morning. Not only did they sing Scripture songs but he also discussed a different instrument every day. The 5 instruments were: piano, violin, voice (which the kids said wasn't a real instrument), organ and accordion. On the last day he took a vote as to what the coolest one was. And organ was actually the winner!? So, anyways, my point is that when you have a 5 month old and you both teach til 1 everyday you don't get a lot of things accomplished. So, now we are hoping that this week will be better. It has to be actually cause we are running out of time. 

Well, time to get ready for church tonight.

In Christ,

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