Monday, January 14, 2013

Today's Coffee: Regular

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! 

And just like that - we are in 2013. 

It seems like we've done it all! Lessons and Carols, Christmas at Covenant, 2 Christmas Eve services, 2 weddings, South Carolina for 6 days and then boom! Monday, January 14. Back to regular work schedule. Back to trying to get back on a gym schedule and a regular Bible reading schedule. It's tough. And on top of that... resolutions. It's always been a strange thing to me. We want and desire to be better, and yet, come mid-March it's a miracle if we remember all the resolutions we made. We make them public and tell everyone about them, hoping that they can keep us motivated... because when Moose Tracks goes on sale, I'm going to buy it. (Probably 2 of them). (And we can't even start with when Ben and Jerry's go on sale). 

So, I'm doing something a little different this year. I'm not telling anyone (except Thomas). They are between my family, God and I. They bring me too much temptation... judging others for not keeping theirs, justifying my own laziness when I stumble, coveting for self-motivation that everyone speaks of (to hide the truth). Too often do I become self-righteous with my high thoughts of myself when I see others failing. I've found this to be too true in my life: seeing that others are failing while I am not. What a backwards and untrue thought. I need grace and mercy just as much as you if not more. I was convicted recently during a sermon. Once the pastor started speaking of 'being born again' and asking the congregation to dwell on whether they had... I zoned out. I thought 'this is not for me... I'm saved.... ' but then, I was smacked with conviction. If all that is true, why do I not live life as a slave to righteousness, as one who 'hungers and thirsts for righteousness' , who is poor in spirit and so on? 

Because I've gotten lazy. It's tough, being a Christian, and a wife, and a mom, and a violin teacher, and a violinist, and the Children's Choir Coordinator... and I've let certain aspects of my relationship with the King of Kings suffer. 

So, while I won't spell out for you my resolutions, you can probably see that I going to be, Lord willing, undergoing some changes. I'm praying hard that I can begin to understand God's steadfast love and to take refuge in Him. It will be hard, and I will back slide, but it's worth it. 

And, because you've read this whole post, I'll tell you one resolution:
-To read Les Miserables
I've seen the movie, the 10th and 25th anniversary concerts, and listened to the sound track. To say I'm hooked is an understatement. Thank you AB and ME! :)

And, here's a picture of Wilson on a motorcycle:

Don't worry, I was holding him from behind the bike. 

This is our backyard - totally full of about 4 inches of water from the rain yesterday.

The water in the front yard.
In Christ's Love,

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