Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Frugal Momma Needs Coffee and Loves Her Friends

Tuesday might be one of my least favorite days. They are difficult for our family because I must drive Thomas to Belmont by 8 am, drop Wilson off at the babysitter's by 2 pm and be back to pick up Thomas at 2:30 pm so that we can teach until 5 pm. Usually, the waking Wilson up to get ready to go disrupts our whole schedule, so here I am still trying to drink my cold coffee (sometimes microwaving it is worse in my opinion than drinking it cold) with a fussy baby that hasn't taken his morning nap. He's so tired, but won't take the plunge. 

I've spent the morning doing dishes, laundry, general straightening of the house and making food for Wilson. Sweet potatoes and pears/apples today. Man, does our little boy love food. He loves trying to new things and basically eats until we take it away. We are working on having him grab food with his fingers and eating it and it reminds of how hard those fine motor skills are! It's hard enough to teach a classroom full of kids to use your fingers on the fingerboard and to curve your fingers for a bow hold - but picking up pieces of slippery banana and putting it in your mouth and not up your nose is pretty hard as well!
We bought the cutest shoes for Wilson. On sale at Gymboree (only $2.99 - down from $24!). 

My two men! Cute shoes!!!

Wilson has recently found his tongue in a whole new way! Constantly sticking it out and chewing on it while saying "na na na na na" - he cries also and then gets himself distracted from being sad by chewing on his tongue. Still no teeth but his bottom gum looks like there is a huge mountain in the middle of it. And the drool. Oh, the drool, don't get me started on how much drool there is. 

We carved our pumpkin on Sunday afternoon. We carved a face with a moustache. It's pretty cool except I wanted it to look like he was whistling and it doesn't. Just looks like a face with a moustache with a circle for a mouth off-center. Wilson was so intrigued by the whole process. He helped a lot. :)

My favorite!

Lots of pictures, but it was a lot of fun!

Love this face

My frugal momma thought and idea to share with you today is that I love my friends! I love them all so much and yet, sometimes I can be really bad about keeping up with the ones that I love. I was so excited about using facebook to keep up and I've found for the past few months that I'm not satisfied with my internet friendships. I want more, I want to encourage more and be encouraged. So, what did I do?
I went to TJMaxx one day and bought a pack of 100 notecards and envelops. Each day, I write to someone - I've been doing this for the past 2 months. Many of you have gotten letters from me. I'm not guilting anyone into anything - this is for me to love my neighbors more. What I've found so far is that I can talk about more 'real' ideas and topics and that I miss my friends more than I realize. As a SAHM, I don't usually have the time or money to just go shopping with gal pals or meet up for lunch on a whim. This is something I can do for my friends. Also, it's hard being in a different town and state. Connecticut was really hard, and now that I'm a bit closer here in Tennessee, it's still really hard to keep up with those I grew up with and have come to know. I would encourage you to send someone a letter - the feeling of opening your mailbox and there being a note from a friend and not just bills and junk mail is a great feeling! As your friend, I should be bringing you and pushing you closer to Christ. This is one way that I can do that here as a SAHM in Nashville, TN.  If I'm not writing you, I want to be! Please email or facebook me your address!

Wilson is finally asleep (after much crying!). I think I'll just make a fresh pot of coffee and stir my simmer pot. As I am working on the t-shirt rug... I am having trouble staying focused as there are about 10 other projects I want to do with t-shirts. :)

In Christ,
Frugal Momma



  1. Julie, I met some cool frugal mamas in my new town at the park and at the library's storytime. Every once in a while, we'll have a mini potluck lunch at one of our houses so we don't spend extra money and get to try some new recipes.

  2. This is a great way to save money and fellowship with friends! I love it!

  3. $2.99...no way! Those are so precious!!!
