Thursday, November 10, 2011

Frugal Momma is Sleeping Less... But Has a Clean Microwave

Things are going well here in the Russell House. We are chugging along through the month of November nicely. Last weekend we were blessed with getting to spend those days with Uncle Matthew. Wilson had never met Matthew (Thomas' brother) due to tours in Iraq and Afghanistan but was finally able to do so. Needless to say, Wilson took to Matthew very quickly. Usually, when Wilson meets someone new and they hold him - he cries. Not so with Matthew. Best. Buds. Instantly. Wilson pretty much just seemed to show off the whole weekend for Matthew. If we were trying to get him down for a nap, he would start off on us, but would constantly 'check' and see if Matthew was still watching - and then he would smile at him. Precious. We ate at Hog Heaven - a hot spot for Nashville BBQ - and it was pretty good. We sat in Centennial Park and listened to sound checks for the bands playing at Musicians Corner. Overall, it was a good Saturday.

Right after they met! Wilson decided to have a party at 10 pm!

Feeding Wilson

Playing around


Hanging out in the park

At church

Wilson dancing and being cute

I also have some other new cute photos of Wilson... (I'm realizing how many pictures this post is going to have...)

Please note the beaver tail on the back of his outfit

Just a funny face

I made this one so large so you can see his two little teeth coming through...

Uhm, cutest baby ever? I think so. Maybe an E-Trade baby?

So, you can probably assume why we are sleeping less lately. Yes, TEETH! They have poked through finally and he is just going to be absolutely adorable with them. 

Now, for my Frugal Momma note:
I now have a clean microwave. This is huge. Let me explain why. When I started dating Thomas, he lived in a dorm room, the next year he moved into an apartment and thus got a microwave. This was 5 years ago. Being in college, you hardly clean anything because you were too busy studying and practicing (and playing Ultimate), so the microwave never got clean. We get married and move into a small apartment in Columbia... still never got cleaned. Moved to New Haven and the microwave went on top of the fridge in our too tiny studio apartment (so I couldn't reach it, couldn't really see it even), so it never got cleaned. Moved to Nashville (it's still on top of our fridge, but it's a shorter fridge) and now I see it. It's horrific. Horrific. I would also like to state that I despise cleaning them. Only did it maybe once or twice in my life when I lived at home, but it's so easy to forget and not care. 

Anyhoo - I was on pinterest and saw the idea there. So, I cleaned our microwave. I didn't cry or stomp my feet. It was really easy. So, for all you ladies who might not be great at keeping up with something like that. I will open up and be honest and show you ours. 
I know, I know! Truly awful. But, it helps to show the amazing-ness of the way to clean it.
Bowl of water with a bit of vinegar added.
Put in for 5 minutes. Let the steam do the work.
Then, just wipe down. EASY. For reals easy. :)
And that is how to do it. I'm still in love. I've started trying some new things with cleaning products... be on the look out for those here!

In Christ,
Frugal Momma


  1. I am totally doing this right now! We had to throw out our last microwave. Food buildup over time caused the plastic to slowly melt a hole in the bottom. Eeek!

  2. Oh No! We always joked that we would rather buy a new one before cleaning our old one! That's how much I hated cleaning it before I found this tip! Yay for clean microwaves!
