Thursday, April 3, 2014

Today's Coffee: Fair Trade something or other

Believe it or not, I don't have a lot of time anymore!
So, here's a few pictures of our household over the past several months. 

(Sorry I'm not more consistent!)

my guys - with monkeys in the background

early on saturday morning before a best friend's wedding. I was so excited about my hair, that yes, I took a picture and sent it to friends as proof. 

M-girl was baptized in March. Here she is wearing a dress that was made for her by a sweet friend, with W, and Poppi. 

Sometimes, M-girl is not always photogenic. This is one such instance. :)

Tummy time isn't a lot of fun. But, we gotta do it. Needless to say, she fell asleep on her tummy not 10 minutes later. 

Sometimes she is just so cute! Look at the romper. THIS picture captures M-girl perfectly.

Skirts. I don't like wearing them - but goodness - look at a skirt on a baby girl. PRESH!
(and chunky legs)
(my heart melts)

garden is started

Uncle Matt came and visited! W loves him so much. Even as I type this, W is reminding me how he and Uncle Matt threw rocks in the creek.

Our little family on the Duck River off the Natchez Trace.


  1. wow, your hair is that long?! you and the fam look great!!

    1. Yes, it has gotten quite long. Soon I'll donate it! Thanks!
