Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Today's Coffee: Butter Rum Creme (with some decaf thrown in)

Well, after yesterday's post about the craziness of everything I think I should put up a post that isn't so down. Also, I think I should post more. More things are happening in our lives and the people that love us deserve to know about them (and not find out 6 months later). 

So, New Year's came and went and I'm already back at school thinking about the next concert or program; and Thomas is practicing away for his recital and competitions but we did talk about resolutions. Some years I think these are really silly. I think them up, write them down and then forget about them in mid-February and don't think about them again until the next New Year's. But, I know this about myself so I usually pick things that I know I can do so that I don't feel bad one year later. Well, this method is certainly not fulfilling because I don't actually change that much. But not this year. I am going to strive to actually change and be a better person, friend, wife, follower of Christ and soon - a momma!

One thing that is always on my list is to do better with devotionals and Bible reading. And it is there again this year. With Thomas' help and some amazing friends - I know this is possible. I don't want to be a lukewarm Christian. I want to be a wise and godly woman for Thomas and my family and for God's glory. 

I have also decided to do better about meal planning. How many times is this a topic of conversation between married (and single) folks. I found a great website - recommended by Dave Ramsey - For $1.25 a week - they make a menu for you, give you a grocery list and how much each item costs. Oh yea - they specify it by grocery store and even break your grocery list down by aisle types. Amazing! With our crazy schedule of Thomas' school, me teaching, private lessons and rehearsals - Thomas and I often end up eating out or eating junk much too often. We think that this is so because when we come home from a busy day we don't have the energy to come up with a dinner plan and then make it. But this website does all the dirty work for you. (There's a promo code on Dave Ramsey's website so we only pay about $0.90 a week!)

Thomas and I also feel that we are TERRIBLE at communicating with family and friends. We will be keeping up better this year with everyone. We will write letters, emails, facebooks and skypes more often because we really do love everyone - but being 900 (or just 2) miles away can be really tough. We want to stay better in contact with everyone and now we hope we will. 

We feel that really good things can come from these 3 resolutions. We know that the Lord can work in us great things and we hope that we can start truly doing them and seeing the fruit.

We went to another doctor's appointment today - baby's heartbeat is fine, my blood pressure is fine but I think I gained too much weight over the airport and SC adventure. So, here's to walking up and down the stairs again at work. :)

I hope that everyone is doing well!

In Christ,

The Russells

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