Monday, October 26, 2009

Today's Coffee: Aldi Brand Kona Blend with Nutmeg

So here we are... almost done with October and many new updates from New Haven. One of the most exciting things is that I am now strings teacher at a local elementary/middle school here in New Haven. The school is about a mile from our apartment (eek!) and I hope to be able to start next Monday. There is a ton of paperwork to get sorted out but needless to say this is VERY exciting! The Lord has blessed me again! I have learned so much about patience and trust through this whole journey. :) So, this also means that this is my last week at my jobs right now. It's bittersweet - I am happy to be doing what I have spent my life training for, but I have met some amazing people at my jobs. I know that we will all continue to be friends even after I leave.

I have decided to cut my hair short as well. It's high time to donate again and I really want to try something different. I've had long hair ever since I can remember and I think that I am going to do something else. I hope to get an appointment in for Friday morning. The weather has been quite temperamental here: rain, sunshine, rain sunshine. We took some lovely pictures yesterday of the beautiful fall colors. I have also been baking like a fiend. After we went apple picking (and got 20 lbs!) I have decided to make an apple pie. It's almost gone... and I baked it last night. It was INCREDIBLE! Also, cherry pie, sweet potato pie and the usual weekly brownies. I'm either a great cook or a little homesick... or both! ;)

Thomas and I are very excited about this new job - for one we will finally have a schedule. With both of my jobs that I have now we have hardly any time for each other. Now, we can begin running again and eating at normal times and practicing. Sigh. It must seem like I have gone through jobs so quickly, but the Lord was providing it all for me. He taught me to be content and trusting in His plan when I originally didn't get a teaching job - and I did. I trusted Him - and looking back, what an amazing lesson He taught me. I don't need everything that I think I need to be happy. I just need Christ. :)

Seth is coming for Thanksgiving (and hopefully Gregory for a day or so) and we are so excited to be seeing him. It will be nice to see a family member here for a holiday. Speaking of holidays... this new job also changes our visit home plans... I don't know exactly what we are going to do, but I think that we are going to drive down to see my Granny on Christmas day and then leave early the next morning for Greenville. We would then fly back to Hartford on January 2. This means paying a hefty fee for changing tickets, but we have decided that seeing family is way more important. I miss everyone a lot. I don't think that we will permanently live anywhere other than the good 'ole South. And we are excited about the new plans because that means we will get to come to Second! We try to listen to as much as we can on the live broadcast before we go to church - and we miss our church family!

Well, the dishes and laundry don't wash themselves... so I am off to finish cleaning.

In Christ,
The Russells

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