Monday, July 6, 2009

Today's Coffee: New England Eye-Opener Blen

Funny how appropriate today's coffee was. Thomas and I are settling into our new apartment very well. Our location is amazing. Beautiful neighborhood about 10 blocks from main campus and even closer to the Div School (where Thomas will be - a lot). On our way up we stopped at my Granny's house in Virginia Beach. We got to visit with family on my mom's side and do a lot of other fun things. fish, canoe, eat a lot, pogo stick, swing, drive the tractor, and lots of talking.

Thomas and I arrived in CT around 3.00 pm on July 1st to get keys to our apartment and then once we were inside we both agreed - much smaller than we had thought it was going to be. Waiting for Dad, Mark and Taylor (friend of Mark's) to arrive with all of our stuff we tried to occupy ourselves, ended up getting hungry and ate fluffernutter sandwiches. Dad finally rolled in around 9.45 pm (after getting lost and driving for about 13 hours) we decided not to unpack the trailor because we are on the 3rd floor of an old rickety house and didn't want to wake up anyone. We all slept on the floor that night. Getting up super early Thomas, Dad and I began moving stuff out of the trailor around 6.40 am so that we could move the car. Eventually all of our stuff ended up in the apartment. I still do not know how the loveseat fit through our tiny door - but maybe I don't want to know. Well, on July 2nd (while we were moving) Thomas had an interview for a church job at 1.00 pm and another at 7.00 pm. We were all so tired we all slept again that night, but we had a bed this time. The next morning we all ate bagels and cereal and then decided we wanted to show Dad and them the Yale Campus. It was awesome. Dad, Mark and Tayor left early Saturday morning to go back home - making a stop in Philly to try the famous Geno's cheesesteak.

So, Thomas and I have been living in New Haven now since Wednesday and we are really starting to enjoy it. Trying to get jobs has taken up a good portion of time, but there is a lot of time in the day when you know hardly anyone and do not have the internet. We are reading lots of books and practicing banjo and mandolin and playing games. I almost played Risk with Thomas, but then thought better about it and backed out. We are scheduled to get internet on July 12th and then we can Skype and do all that business.

All of our pictures are up on facebook - friend me and see them. We hope to have a video tour soon of our apartment. More to follow when we can get to the cafe.

P.S. The left picture is from the inside of the Yale Sterling Memorial Library. ;) The right picture of of the houses across the street from us.

In Christ,

The Russells


  1. Why wouldn't you want to play Risk?

  2. Uhm, I just win - every time! no... I have a feeling we will.
