Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Today's Coffee: Pomegranate Juice

13 weeks and 2 days.
Already seems like 5 months. Oh well. I've been eating a lot of jalapenos lately. A crazy amount. Heard the heartbeat again yesterday and all is well. W likes to kiss the baby whenever he sees my belly - so that's precious. 

Playing with a caterpillar. 
Lots has been going on. The house fell through. It couldn't appraise high enough. We were upset at first, but quickly realized that this may be a blessing in disguise. And, we've already put another offer on a different house that is much closer to where we work! They countered with a different closing date, and we accepted! So there is still hope that we will have somewhere to move to before the end of July. 

For Memorial Day, we went to the lake with some good friends of ours from church. It was the perfect day. Well, almost perfect. W did not want to get in the water at all. He really seemed to get scared. We thought that was strange since he's always been a little daredevil. But, he really like going on boat rides! 

Now, W is watching some Curious George while I clean up the house. We are excited for this weekend as the Russell family is coming to help us not-move :)

In Christ,